Monday 13 January 2014

Mode of address

Mode of address

1q) What is the mode of address?
1a) The mode of address for the Friends introduction is upbeat and light hearted. It's comical at times. It aims to make you feel happy.

2q) Prove it (Facial expressions, colours, sounds, camera....)
2a) The music is very upbeat and happy sounding. They are all dancing fast paced and comically in a fountain together with happy expressions on their faces. They're messing about. There isn't an air of seriousness about it at all. Their costumes aren't exactly colourful but the fact that they are getting them wet and not really caring about them shows that they aren't serious. Their hair is wet and it all has a messy/upbeat/happy feel about it. It's all very lighthearted. The title is quite messy + nice. It's not too formal.

3q) How does it make you feel?
3a) This makes me feel happy and excited to watch the episode. It also puts me in a good mood so that I'm not grumpy when watching the episode.



  • Science fiction film -
The setting of space or some other out of this worldly type planet. The props I would expect to see are, jetpacks, futuristic things (eg: teleporters, sonic screwdriver type stuff) Unknown objects. The sounds I would expect to hear are usually like 

Things I don't expect from this space trailer film: 

Fast cars/Car chase - (Normal close up of car/speedometer, setting desert, slo-mo dive) Action type films. (Challenged generic conventions of a sci-fi) 
Scottish people, like humans

Did it meet your expectations?: 

It did meet most of my expectations there were just a couple out of the ordinary things that I wouldn't expect to see from a space film.


Genre: Genre is the type of production. For example Horror would be a genre.

Mode of address: Mode of address is what the production aims to make you feel or what kind of tone it is. You can find out the mode of address by looking at facial expressions, colours, sounds, camera...

Target audience: The target audience is what a production aims to appeal to. Certain types of people for example sequels of a film would aim to target already existing fans of the first film. Who it's aimed at, the demographic (Age, gender, sexual orientation, place)

Oppositional reading: Oppositional reading is when someone has a different reaction to what the production piece was suppose to make them have. For example someone thinks something is outrages when it was suppose to be funny.

Preferred reading: Preferred reading is when someone has the reaction that you were suppose to have to a certain production. Finding something funny that was suppose to be funny.

Generic conventions: What you expect to see in a certain genre type of film. For example you expect to see knives and blood in a Horror film.


Defining audiences -

Age: 14+
Gender: Male
Psychographics: Mainstreamers and Explorers. Mainstreamers because it's generic and Explorers because of the Sci-Fi elements. 
Why do you know: Because of the fast cars and explosion and spaceships. Due to gender stereotypes the explosions and everything else this is usually seen that guys will like it. It speaks to their stereotypical interests of men. 

Other people it targets:

Fans of Star Treks: "Live long and prosper" Sound + midshot of Spock. 

Sci-Fi fans - Settings of space, creatures.

Women: Female characters who seem strong and independence. Chris Pine guy is attractive. 
Who might have an oppositional reading: Old star trek fans. Different generation, too modern, different directors. 

Things you need to find out: Is your media product single or multi stranded.

Flashbacks break the line of the narrative. It takes the narrative out of order. 

Why do we use representations and stereotypes? Because it's easy for the audience to understand them. They package reality for you. You learn more about people via the media.  

Stereotypes are easily spotted characteristics of a group or a place. It becomes a branding for a group or a place.

Geek stereotype: Big glasses, bowtie, black pants, smart shoes, likes maths, science. Gets bullied a lot. 

Women stereotype: Good at cooking, cleans the house, dainty, likes pink. Long hair, makeup,  

Lads stereotype: Big group of guys around aged 16-19 loud, wears tracksuits, drinks a lot, mainly beer, arrogant, rude. Likes football. 

In my media product I need to give an example if it's positive or negative is it stereotypical. You have to say how it makes the audience feel. Pull out costume or dialogue in my media product that explain representation. It depends on who it is that is watching it.

Activity on representation

What is being represented?: Old people

How? (Positive/Negative/Stereotype): Negative stereotype. Saying that old people are quite dumb and not with it. They have white hair and the old lady has a walking stick. It's insinuating that because they are old they have problems with their sight. They are shown to be that they don't like to be with people because of the fact that they are moaning about the noise. They can't walk around for long periods of time. The highlight of their day seemed to be a cheese sandwich. Their costume was dull, beige, plain. It's a stereotypical old person costume. 

What reaction the audience would have?:  Happy makes them laugh at themselves. This is the preferred reading. The oppositional reading could be that old people are offended. 

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