Thursday 9 January 2014

Documentary Assignment 1 NOTES

Research Techniques 

Types of research

Qualitative - Peoples opinions. Opinions that have come from somebody. EG a film review. Discussion, reaction to a television programme 

Quantitative - Numbers and data numerical results. EG Audience breakdowns. Box office sales. DVD sales. Audience viewing figures. 

Advantages of qualitative data - 

Results can guide a project to success, meaning if someone gives you feedback you can go off and make a better essay. Like a review 

Can inform future research 

Rich source of information - lots of detail you can have. Reading language etc quite bespoke. Etcetera

Disadvantages of qualitative data - 

Can be tricky to get actual results. - very general. Not really exact. 

Findings are a result of lots of variables - think Psychology, participant variables (Guy reviewing love story just broke up with GF might be a bit naff about it) 

Has the impression of being less valid - Got different opinions. Not as black and white as quantitive stuff. 

Advantages of quantitative - 

Easy to analyse (clear results from graph charts etc) 

Facts can be used in your favour. - 55% of people enjoyed my film. Only 45% thought it was shit. Can change facts around/manipulate the facts. 

Disadvantages of quantitive -

Results are without detail. Binary usually. 

Doesn't inform you for future research. Usually end product of something. 

Audience research - research into the audience of a focus group into rough cut of film

Marker research - research into competition. Other people who have made documentaries. Eh how many DVDs did the other one sell

Production research - research into setting up of production. Might be production costs. Like a quantitive bit of data might be 'How much is it gonna cost to buy this camera' 

Primary research undertaken. By yourself or your group first hand, eg questionnaire, interviews, surveys, focus groups, participating in internets forum.

Secondary research - Previous research undertaken by others that you can use to inform your one research. Taking shit from wikipedia. Books, text books, internet. Documentaries. Searching Internet forums. 

Data gathering agencies - certain agencies are set up to gather and publicise information. 

BARB - Broadcast audience ratings board. TV ratings. 

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