Thursday 16 October 2014

Unit 33 Assignment 3 - Production and evaluation




What did you think about the narrative?

The narrative was well synced, the action followed the song.

What did you think about the character design?

You can tell who the Mum is and who the daughter is.

What did you think about the colours/drawing?

You can tell that it's quite a girly video, the colours are all pink and stuff

What did you think about the set?

The set was impressive that you got a Beyonce video to be shown in a doll house

What bits do you think could of been better?

Finish it

My target audience was teenager girls (or younger) who like Beyonce. Do you think it targets them?

Yeah it targets it because everything is very pink and stuff


We set out to make a music video using dolls. We wanted put a message across that related to the song we used (Beyonce - Pretty hurts). I think that we have achieved our goal, the actions that we used during the song all had a deeper meaning to them and people seemed to understand that when we asked them questions. The use of barbie dolls was great because barbies have always been seen as perfect so it definitely matched the song well and gave the audience something to think about. The best bit from our stop motion was the sound, when the song said "Mama said you're a pretty girl" and "Brush your hair" because the action matched up very well with the song. Also the fact that it was a 'mother' doll brushing a 'daughter' dolls hair had quite a deeper meaning to it as well in that from a young age girls are taught to make themselves pretty by putting on makeup and doing their hair all nice, the lyrics of the song matched this and again, made the audience really think about the meaning behind the video. I really liked the doll house and how the set was put together. I did this in a certain way, for example when the doll was waking up in her room, the only things that really stood out in the room was the mirror and the bed. This is sort of symbolism for how much looking pretty takes over your life.  

I think that the weakest parts of my stop motion was probably the fact that when she was going to hug her daughter she was on her knees and her knees didn't move. I think this because it broke the principle of animation. We didn't mean to break the principle of animation, we tried to crop it out but this just didn't make the animation flow properly as it cut too a close up in the middle of a shot, it made it quite pixilated as well. We decided to leave it in because we really liked that part and it was too late to film. A few people mentioned this issue when we were getting our feedback so you could tell that it didn't just go unnoticed. In the future we'd definitely try to frame our shots up better. Our target audience are teenage girls. I think that we targeted this audience well because the soundtrack was a popular song that is mostly favoured by teenage girls. Also the colours that we used throughout were mainly used to target girls. For example pink and pale pinks. Also the fact we used dolls and that it was in a doll house. The message that we were trying to say during the video is a problem that mainly targets teenage girls as well and has done for many years, it's still a massive issue today. The different types of sound that we used were diagetic and non diagetic. I used many sound effects (including covers rustling, hair being brushed, doors creaking) and throughout I had the music playing. I think that the brushing of the hair was the most sucessful sound. I think this because everything syncs up perfectly. Especially the lyrics in the video and the action on screen. On my part a lot of the sound I overlaid them on each other to make it flow and actually be realistic. For example when she was getting out of bed there wasn't just one sound going on, there was the sound of the covers rustling and birds tweeting, also an alarm clock going off. 

What were the common answers about the storyline?

The common answers about the storyline is that it was easy to understand and they got the message that we were trying to portray. They said that it was fun to watch and creative. 

What were the common answers about the character design?

They said that they understood the relationship between the mother and the daughter. They thought that the characters were very creative in that we used barbie dolls to symbolise perfection.

What were the common answers about the colours/drawings?

The use of pink was mentioned a lot. They said that the use of pink/dolls house/dolls itself continued to add to the whole message and helped them realise the target audience more.

What were the common answers about the set?

They said that it was very impressive how we used the dolls house and it was very modern.

What were the common answers about what could be better?

They said to split up the lyrics over the face more. Someone said that we could of payed more attention to detail in props. Others said it was quite jumpy.

What were the common answers about the target audience?

Everyone agreed that we really got it right. They knew exactly who we were targeting and said that every aspect of the stop motion (sound/set/characters etc) The whole message behind the video also targeted girls. They said it was very well done.

Do you agree with the common answers; explain which parts you agree or disagree with and why.

I do agree with most of the answers. Nearly everyone understood that we were trying to target young girls/teenage girls and nearly every answer we got was positive. Everyone thought that the animation was very well put together and that it was very interesting to watch.  The only thing I don't agree with is the fact that someone said we could of payed more attention to detail. I think that we did pay quite a bit of attention to detail, for example I personally drew a picture and stuck it on the wall of the barbie dolls house because I thought that it looked quite plain. But also on the other hand we didn't actually change the fact that you could see the knees not moving on the barbie doll when she went to brush the younger dolls hair. 

Compare your stop motion to something similar, how does yours compare?

I'm comparing our stop motion to this because in this video they use lyrics on pieces of paper to match with the song and that's what we did in our stop motion. Though all throughout this stop motion that's all they did, I thought ours was a little more creative in making a narrative with dolls as well. The use of the lyrics is very similar to ours because this stop motion flowed very well and we tried to do that with ours as well. 

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