Thursday 19 February 2015

Unit 8 prep work

What is the BBC?

"The BBC is the world's leading public service broadcaster. Its mission is to enrich people's lives with programmes that inform, educate and entertain" - BBC official website

How is it funded?

"Established by a Royal Charter, the BBC is a public service broadcaster funded by the licence fee paid by UK households." - BBC official website
When did it start?


What current changes are they making to their channels or programmes?

"The Executive plans to use the savings from the closure of BBC Three as a broadcast channel to develop the channel online, evolve BBC iPlayer, launch a BBC One+1 channel, and help to strengthen drama on BBC One. The capacity that is freed up by the closure of BBC Three will enable the BBC to extend the broadcast hours of CBBC by two hours per night." - BBC official website

Can you find 2/3 articles on peple arguing the pros and cons of the licence fee?

How are they funded?

Advertising and sponsorship 

How do we know if a commercial channel is successful or not?

Depending on how much money they get. 

What are the highest rated programmes on ITV or channel 5

What is a meant by the term 'media conglomerate'?

A company that owns other large companies. 

Find some 'media conglomerates'?

21st century fox, CBS, Sky,  News corporation

Who are the major film production studios?

Dreamworks, MGM, Viacom, Disney, Sony

Find two or three films for one of the major studio, how much money did they make from it (box office and DVD)

Box office sales

DVD sales

Box office sales

DVD sales

What is meant by the term 'independent film'?

"An independent film is a film production resulting in a feature film that is produced mostly or completely outside of the major filmstudio system." - Wikipedia

Can you find examples of independent film producers?

Amy Low, Gill Holland, Jim McKay

What independent films have won awards?

What are the new technological developments in the way we watch/make television and film?

A lot of media is now consumed online, which means we can watch anything anywhere on demand. It's becoming increasingly popular to catch up on missed shows whilst you're out and about. People don't usually sit down and watch a regularly scheduled television show exactly when it's scheduled in the comfort of our house on a TV. We watch it whenever we want to after it's come out. 

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