Thursday 5 February 2015

Unit 8 Assignment 4 - CV Cover letter, SWOT, Course and Job Search, Showreel

Job search

Video content editor

This job role interests me because video editing is something that I want to get into, I like taking raw footage and making it watchable through simple edits. The fact that it says we will have "You have creative liscene here, and will be visualising creative concepts..." interests me because it sounds like you've got a lot of freedom to edit how you want to edit. If you've got a certain style you can follow that style and have fun with it. It seems like it's a very flexible job.

Video Maker

This job interests me because it's editing, shooting and directing all in one. You can work with a team which I've always liked doing and you get to come up with fun video ideas yourself and then have them made. There's not much creativity limit.

Video Journalist

This job role interests me because I like researching things to find out more about them, so the fact that I'd be finding out my own stories to report on is exciting. Also I'll be able to then make that research into something watchable (interview etc) interests me. It interests me because they said they want 2 to 3 short films a week and this means that there's a lot of creating time there's never really gonna be a point where you're just sat down doing nothing. You'll either be coming up with ideas, researching said ideas or filming said ideas.


Edge Hill - Film and Television production

I've applied for the film and television production course because it's got a solid balance of theory work and practical work. I like doing both theory and practical so this is something that would be good for me. Also there's a lot of group work which I also enjoy doing. The units that we would be doing is interesting, making a short film for example.

Salford - Television and Radio

I applied to this course because they're right in the heart of media city so there's lots of work experience available during the course. The equipment that they use is state of the art and available for me to take it outside of University and use myself to make my own films. The course is something I really enjoy doing, when you get into the second year and you get to pick some of the units to do there's a "advance editing techniques" Unit that I'd really enjoy doing.

Falmouth - Film

I applied to this course because they focus mainly on film. Short films, feature length films, documentary style films, etc. They have great equipment for anyone on the Media courses to use. They are one of the most successful film courses in the country. There's a good mixture of theory and practical work on the coures. They've got a motion capture studio and animating something is something I've wanted to try.





Covering letter

Dear Employer 

I am writing to you regarding the job advert you put up on the '' website. I am currently a media production student at College, I've worked on a wide range of different projects including writing my own screenplay, advertising, TV and Film, Stop motion and many others. I have good knowledge of how to use editing softwares such as Adobe After effects (I created a logo on after effects.) and Final cut pro. (I've used this to edit all of the footage I've filmed so far.) I believe I am the perfect candidate for this role as I'm good at self management, I always manage to meet deadlines (without having to rush my work.)

I am a very creative person, I have many different editing styles. For example I have edited an upbeat happy advert (adding in upbeat music and making the colours bright) and I've also edited a dark, scary short film. (Making the colours a bit darker, the cuts a bit faster and scarier and adding in suspenseful music.)

I am a good group worker, for all of my work in College I've had to work in a group. I have great communication skills within a group whether it be emailing someone or speaking to them or writing to them. I'm also good at knowing how to handle difficult situations without everything blowing out of proportion. I know how to speak to people in a calm collective manner so that they understand what's not quite working and will work on it.

Overall I'm excellent at self management, working in a team and being creative. I'm very media savvy and I hope to hear from you in the future.

Yours sincerely,
Victoria Howarth

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