Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Unit 8 Assignment 2 - Notes

What things aren't appropriate for kids?

Gore - Blood, detailed scenes of people getting wounded
Extreme violence - People beating someone up
Swearing - Any type of swearing
Sexual scenes - Any type of sexual content
Drug use - Any type of drug use
Discrimination - Discrimination that isn't told that it's wrong

I'm worried that they will see these things and that it will affect them in later life. Kids are very influential people, if they see something they'll most likely copy it which is why we need to censor what we let them what.


Ethics in basic term what is right and wrong. Looking into it more though it's not as simple as that, it's more of a sliding scale on what we could think of as right and wrong. For example murder is wrong, but there is a lot of different situations in which this could be argued. War, is one of those situations, when people go to War, a lot of people don't see it as murder, but some people do. It's very opinion based.

Television programmes that promote good ethics 

When it comes to television programmes that promote good ethics, children's TV programmes usually come first, there is no bad language in them or anything of the sort. Most of the shows are very educational and when it comes to the 'bad guy' (a person with bad ethics) it's always very minor types of bad ethical crimes that are committed and when that happens it's always dealt with to stop them and this promotes good ethics. But then when we think about it more there are a lot of TV programmes that promote good ethics that have extreme language in that may not be suitable for kids to watch but they still promote good ethics.

Should TV and Film be more ethical? Can TV and film be blamed for the slipping ethics of society? 

In my opinion I think that quite a lot of TV and Film could be more ethical but only the extreme shows, for example, South Park(1) and Family Guy. These two shows are so ethically wrong and promote bad morals, they're racist, homophobic and sexist. There is no punishment (on the show) for these types of themes so it's not like they're saying racism, homophobia and sexism is wrong, they're making light of it. Satirical humour(2) is just a way of promoting bad ethics and saying it's a joke. Making light of such serious issues is going to desensitise the public to them so that when they are faced with these problems in real life (most likely witnessing these problems) they won't react in the way that they should do.


2) http://www.gender-focus.com/2012/04/28/a-response-to-the-pitfalls-of-satire/

Though on the other hand this is also questionable, me personally I watch Family Guy and South Park and I take the issues that are made light of on the show very seriously, though when I watch the episodes I still find them funny. This is because I'm not a very impressionable person and I feel like if you are a very impressionable person you shouldn't be allowed to watch TV because in simple terms you're an idiot. It's the same argument that violent video games make people violent, I don't think this is true. It's very easy to blame the media for all of our problems but really if people are going out and doing these bad things (murder, being racist, sexist, homophobic) then maybe there's something wrong with those people anyway. If you actually think that it's okay to do these things just because a TV show shows them then I don't understand why you're even watching it in the first place.

Prom night dumpster baby - Family Guy


This clip is a prime example of why programmes like Family Guy shouldn't be taken seriously. They only sometimes jump over to the side where satire isn't satire anymore it's just offensive for the sake of being offensive, but when they do it's awful. Like in the clip, this is a serious issue of unplanned teenage pregnancy that needs attention and support, not mockery. It's taking the seriousness away from the issue which isn't what we need because then it's not seen as important and people don't acknowledge it as so.

Big Brother Jade Gooding argument 

What is happening in this clip and what ethical issues might it raise?

Jade and Sherpa were arguing about food, as the clip progressed Jade got angrier and started saying things that people could perceive as racist. In my opinion I did take the things that Jade said as being racist and I don't think that it should of been shown on TV. Impressionable children could watch this and see this as an okay thing to do and then carry it out in real life. This clip has been edited heavily so we don't get the full story as to what exactly happened and what was said at what times. This is usually the case with reality TV programmes (and the media in general) things could be edited to make it seem unethical but really we'll never know if it was or wasn't. Channel 4 did get in trouble for this as they breached the Ofcom code of conduct.

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Unit 8 Assignment 2 - ethics

Trade unions: 

What trade unions can you join if you work in the media and film industry?

The Broadcasting, Entertainment, Cinematograph and Theatre Union (BECTU) in the UK. 

Why is it important to join a trade union, what can they do for you?

People generally join a trade union to get access to the following benefits: an independent voice to negotiate with your employer (You can get this person to go to meetings for you and discuss legalities like what you're being paid). Trade unions can help you if you have a problem at work. It's important to join a trade union because workplaces are usually safer when there is a trade union. 

What examples can you find of strikes or other trade union action (look for writers guild strikes in USA), why did they strike, did it impact any productions?

Writers Guild of America strike 2007-2008, they went on strike because they felt like they weren't being paid enough in comparison to the profits of the larger studios. A number of shows benefited from this strike, 'Good news week' was meant to be a one off special but new episodes were made to fill the gap left by US product. Saturday Night Live was effected badly as most of the production staff were laid off during this strike.

Why did the BBC Strike?

Job cuts (over 2000 jobs have been cut over 5 years, 110 staff have been made compulsory redundant) workload and claims of bullying

Freelance contracts:

What does it mean to be a freelancer in the media?

Someone who works for no one (Not a big company on a contract) but is hired for various jobs for different companies. 

What types of freelance contract are there?

Zero hour contracts, this means
  • they are on call to work when you need them
  • you don’t have to give them work
  • they don’t have to do work when asked
  • their employer is still responsible for their health and safety. 
Advantages and Disadvantages of a freelance contract

  • You can work for a variety of different companies 
  • You're your own boss
  • You can do your own time management 
  • You can give yourself days off 
  • You'd get work from a network of people that already know you
  • Negotiate your payment 

  • You're not guaranteed work
  • You might have to get another job (part time) to be able to pay for things 
  • The only employer benefits you'll get is health and safety. 
  • You have to find work yourself (A lot of legal work for example sorting out your own tax, you'd have to get your own accountant which costs money) 
  • You don't have the option to work on a contract you've made up as a lot of companies have standard documents already.
  • You might not have a lot of experience 
  • There's a lot of competition 
  • You need good quality work 

What types of film or media contracts (short term/fixed term/ first refusal)

Short term:

  • Hired for a short period of time
  • Doesn't have to continue working after contract is finished
  • Could continue working

Fixed term:
  • last for a certain length of time
  • are set in advance
  • end when a specific task is completed
  • end when a specific event takes place
First refusal:

  • Can match an offer being made by someone else before a third party accepts

Editorial guidelines:

Explain what an editorial guideline is

Editorial Guidelines are values and standards (Do's and Don'ts) of what a channel allows. 

Look at the following link and summarise the guidelines for two or three of the subheadings


  • Respect privacy and don't invade it without good reason.
  • Must justify reasons for invading privacy 
  • Must accurately report stories and have a respect for their dignity 

Children and Young People as Contributors:

  • Ensure that the physical and emotional well being and the dignity of young children is protected during filming. 
  • They must ensure that children and young people are not caused unnecessary anxiety or distress by their involvement

Why is it important for a television producer to work under guidelines.

So that the TV show isn't breaking any rules and can actually be broadcast on Television. They also have to work under guidelines so that they don't get into any legal issues.


Who are they and what do they do?

The BBFC censor and rate films in the UK

What can you/can't you show in a PG, 12A and 15?


Can show
  • Mild language 
  • Innocuous reference to drugs 
  • Bullying/Racism/Mourning
  • Mild references to sex 
Can't show
  • Extreme violence 
  • Strong language
  • Heavy drug use
  • Innapropriate themes for a child under eight. 

Can show
  • Strong language
  • Brief/Discrete sex scene
  • Moderate violence
Can't show
  • No blood unless it's absolutely necessary (Medical drama etc) 
  • No Aggressive discriminatory language unless it is condemned
  • Excessive drug use

Can show
  • strong violence
  • frequent strong language (e.g. 'f***').
  • portrayals of sexual activity
  • strong verbal references to sex
  • sexual nudity
  • brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence
  • discriminatory language or behaviour
  • drug taking

Can't show
  • Endorsement of discriminatory language or behaviour 
  • Sex scenes are allowed but without strong detail 
  • Things that teenagers would be likely to copy. (Self harm etc) 

Unit 8 prep work

What is the BBC?

"The BBC is the world's leading public service broadcaster. Its mission is to enrich people's lives with programmes that inform, educate and entertain" - BBC official website

How is it funded?

"Established by a Royal Charter, the BBC is a public service broadcaster funded by the licence fee paid by UK households." - BBC official website
When did it start?


What current changes are they making to their channels or programmes?

"The Executive plans to use the savings from the closure of BBC Three as a broadcast channel to develop the channel online, evolve BBC iPlayer, launch a BBC One+1 channel, and help to strengthen drama on BBC One. The capacity that is freed up by the closure of BBC Three will enable the BBC to extend the broadcast hours of CBBC by two hours per night." - BBC official website

Can you find 2/3 articles on peple arguing the pros and cons of the licence fee?

How are they funded?

Advertising and sponsorship 

How do we know if a commercial channel is successful or not?

Depending on how much money they get. 

What are the highest rated programmes on ITV or channel 5

What is a meant by the term 'media conglomerate'?

A company that owns other large companies. 

Find some 'media conglomerates'?

21st century fox, CBS, Sky,  News corporation

Who are the major film production studios?

Dreamworks, MGM, Viacom, Disney, Sony

Find two or three films for one of the major studio, how much money did they make from it (box office and DVD)

Box office sales

DVD sales

Box office sales

DVD sales

What is meant by the term 'independent film'?

"An independent film is a film production resulting in a feature film that is produced mostly or completely outside of the major filmstudio system." - Wikipedia

Can you find examples of independent film producers?

Amy Low, Gill Holland, Jim McKay

What independent films have won awards?

What are the new technological developments in the way we watch/make television and film?

A lot of media is now consumed online, which means we can watch anything anywhere on demand. It's becoming increasingly popular to catch up on missed shows whilst you're out and about. People don't usually sit down and watch a regularly scheduled television show exactly when it's scheduled in the comfort of our house on a TV. We watch it whenever we want to after it's come out. 

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Media CV


Objective: To work in an environment that allows me to be flexible with my creative ideas.


December 2014 About Tameside

  • Construct interview questions and then carry out said interviews
  • Work in a small, busy office: typing up interviews that we recorded
  • Travel all around Tameside talking to a wide variety of different companies


Ashton Sixth Form College 2013 - Present (Will gain qualification in June)

Level 3 Creative Media Production extended diploma

Alder Community High School 2008 - 2013

9 GCSEs including 2 at B grade (Psychology and Maths) 3 at C grade (Including English and Drama)
1 BTEC qualification at a Merit (ICT skills)


  • Willingness to learn: acquired new skills through istop motion technology and Stop motion unit. Also how to live edit and mic someone up during studio production unit. 
  • Teamwork: Enjoys working in a team and coming up with creative ideas together. Form strong bonds with people in said team.
  • Creativity: Writing short film scripts for screenwriting unit. 
  • Self-motivation/management: Ability to meet deadlines through large course load
  • Editing: Experience making different things on Adobe After Effects and Final Cut Pro.


  • Television: Watching Documentaries, Sitcoms and Fantasy shows. 
  • Film: Watching indie horror films.
  • New Media: Watching internet news shows and a wide range of different internet shows on Youtube. 
  • Cinema: Going to the Cinema with friends and watching award shows.

REFERENCES: I am happy to supply these on request.

Date of Birth 28.04.97       Telephone. 07508004097
16 Orchard Rise, Gee Cross, Hyde, SK145SB

Unit 8 Assignment 4 - CV Cover letter, SWOT, Course and Job Search, Showreel

Job search

Video content editor

This job role interests me because video editing is something that I want to get into, I like taking raw footage and making it watchable through simple edits. The fact that it says we will have "You have creative liscene here, and will be visualising creative concepts..." interests me because it sounds like you've got a lot of freedom to edit how you want to edit. If you've got a certain style you can follow that style and have fun with it. It seems like it's a very flexible job.

Video Maker

This job interests me because it's editing, shooting and directing all in one. You can work with a team which I've always liked doing and you get to come up with fun video ideas yourself and then have them made. There's not much creativity limit.

Video Journalist

This job role interests me because I like researching things to find out more about them, so the fact that I'd be finding out my own stories to report on is exciting. Also I'll be able to then make that research into something watchable (interview etc) interests me. It interests me because they said they want 2 to 3 short films a week and this means that there's a lot of creating time there's never really gonna be a point where you're just sat down doing nothing. You'll either be coming up with ideas, researching said ideas or filming said ideas.


Edge Hill - Film and Television production

I've applied for the film and television production course because it's got a solid balance of theory work and practical work. I like doing both theory and practical so this is something that would be good for me. Also there's a lot of group work which I also enjoy doing. The units that we would be doing is interesting, making a short film for example.

Salford - Television and Radio

I applied to this course because they're right in the heart of media city so there's lots of work experience available during the course. The equipment that they use is state of the art and available for me to take it outside of University and use myself to make my own films. The course is something I really enjoy doing, when you get into the second year and you get to pick some of the units to do there's a "advance editing techniques" Unit that I'd really enjoy doing.

Falmouth - Film

I applied to this course because they focus mainly on film. Short films, feature length films, documentary style films, etc. They have great equipment for anyone on the Media courses to use. They are one of the most successful film courses in the country. There's a good mixture of theory and practical work on the coures. They've got a motion capture studio and animating something is something I've wanted to try.





Covering letter

Dear Employer 

I am writing to you regarding the job advert you put up on the 'jobs.chinwag.com' website. I am currently a media production student at College, I've worked on a wide range of different projects including writing my own screenplay, advertising, TV and Film, Stop motion and many others. I have good knowledge of how to use editing softwares such as Adobe After effects (I created a logo on after effects.) and Final cut pro. (I've used this to edit all of the footage I've filmed so far.) I believe I am the perfect candidate for this role as I'm good at self management, I always manage to meet deadlines (without having to rush my work.)

I am a very creative person, I have many different editing styles. For example I have edited an upbeat happy advert (adding in upbeat music and making the colours bright) and I've also edited a dark, scary short film. (Making the colours a bit darker, the cuts a bit faster and scarier and adding in suspenseful music.)

I am a good group worker, for all of my work in College I've had to work in a group. I have great communication skills within a group whether it be emailing someone or speaking to them or writing to them. I'm also good at knowing how to handle difficult situations without everything blowing out of proportion. I know how to speak to people in a calm collective manner so that they understand what's not quite working and will work on it.

Overall I'm excellent at self management, working in a team and being creative. I'm very media savvy and I hope to hear from you in the future.

Yours sincerely,
Victoria Howarth