Sunday 24 November 2013

Documentary Assignment 2


Primary Research:

Interviews (X)

Questionnaires: (X)

Questionnaire analysais: 

10/10 people expected to see Interviews in a Documentary.

10/10 people expected to see Voice Overs in a Documentary.

10/10 people expected to see Statistics in a Documentary.

5/10 people expected to see Complicated information in a Documentary.

9/10 people eat fast food.

5/10 people ate fast food once a week.

9/10 people said that if Healthy food was more readily available and cheaper they would eat it.

5/10 people weren't bothered about the KFC being built in Hyde.

2/10 people agreed with the KFC being built in Hyde.

3/10 people didn't agree with the KFC being built in Hyde.

Overall I would say that this questionnaire was a success. I think this because everyone I asked answered it properly and it helped us understand what people think about documentaries and healthy eating.

Secondary Research:



"Compared with Ashton-under-Lyne, Hyde lacks an internationally renowned takeaway chain with the exception of Subway. Neighbouring Denton (of similar population size, including a Manchester Corporation overspill estate) has a Drive Thru McDonalds (on Crown Point North) and a Drive Thru KFC, though located off Junction 1 of the M67 and Junction 24 of the M60. Hydonians looking for their KFC fix face a drive to Denton or Ashton Moss." - Stuart Vallantine (x)


Hyde doesn't have a large international take away chain in the town (excluding Subway) So if there was a KFC then it would be a lot more convenient  for Hydonians to just get their takeaway from there instead of driving miles for it.

Bullet Points
  • In the last week, there has been one issue which has united Hydonians: Fried Chicken. Today, there are more people working in takeaways than in extractive industries. From Chicken Shops to Coffee Bars and Chain Store Bakeries
  • After 50 years, the multi storey car park which has served the Clarendon Mall, adjacent to The Queens public house, will soon be demolished. There are plans to replace the car park with a branch of KFC.
  • I sit somewhere on the fence with this issue. (The writer of the blog posts opinion)
  • Compared with Ashton-under-Lyne, Hyde lacks an internationally renowned takeaway chain with the exception of Subway.
  • Instead of a means to an end, KFC should be a panacea for further development of the eastern part of Clarendon Mall. After 5pm, it could be a suitable hangout or rendezvous for teenagers otherwise unable to call in The Queens or The Cotton Bale nearby.
  • Hyde already has a sufficient number of takeaways, and KFC could well be one too many. 
  • We should be aspiring towards better jobs with longer term futures than frying chicken or talking to drivers ordering Family Bucket Meals.
  • Any future arrival of KFC, or indeed any other purpose built fast food outlet should be accompanied with something else that would add value to the Clarendon Mall, and the people of Hyde. -- A cinema
  • Therefore, the night time economy of Hyde could be revived. A cinema on the site of the multi storey car park (with or without KFC or their like) would be more accessible for public transport users in the borough.

I think that this source was a very good analysation of the situation in Hyde. It talks about the advantages and disadvantages and the article doesn't seem to be biased at all. It is also wrote by someone who lives in Hyde. It goes in-depth about what is happening and it's a good source of information. It's very relevant to what my documentary is going to be about. This article is very easy to understand and it's not too technical at all. 


"Parents will be able to top up their child’s account online… the cashless catering benefits both students and parents. Parents can now see and know what their children are eating and kids don’t have to worry about losing money. Another benefit is that food allergies can be input by parents and this will feed into certain menu options for their child.”


Parents will be able to see what their kids are eating due to a cashless catering system. This basically means that parents will put money onto their child's account so that they can access it via their fingerprint. This helps parents see if their kids are making the right choices when buying their food. If they aren't, their parents will be able to help them. (x)

Bullet points

  • TWO Limerick schools are to take part in a digital school dinner programme that will allow parents to keep tabs on what their children are eating.
  • The programme will see students use digital tags to pay for meals and snacks, with parents able to top-up their account online and keep tabs on what their children have been buying.
  • The new system is to be rolled out in Castletroy and Hazelwood next month, as well as in schools in Scariff, Ennis and Ennistymon.
  • Parents will be able to top up their child’s account online… the cashless catering benefits both students and parents. Parents can now see and know what their children are eating and kids don’t have to worry about losing money.
  • “Another benefit is that food allergies can be input by parents and this will feed into certain menu options for their child.”

This is a good valid source of information because it's showing that schools are doing more to promote healthy eating for kids. It also helps me learn that parents like to see what their kids are eating at school. This is a useable source of information because in my documentary I'm going to be talking about healthy eating as a whole so this will aid me in learning more about schools food menu. This article is very 'for' healthy eating in schools. It's not very opinionated though, it's more just a block of text to inform. Rather than to give opinion.



"Do you really need to shoot that scene with a Steadicam for an extra $1200.00? Or is it better to go handheld for no money and use that $1200.00 to license some more stock footage or music? Should you rent a high-end camera package? Or are you better off renting a less expensive camera package and using the money you saved to hire an experienced documentary editor?" - The Shut Up and Shoot Documentary Guide: A Down & Dirty DV Production. Author: Anthony Q. Artis
Page number: (Doesn't say)


This is basically saying that you don't need to buy loads of expensive camera to make a documentary look good. You could save money to hire a person to make your documentary better. For example you could hire an experience documentary editor.

Bullet Points:

  • Budgeting is truly an art form that improves with experience
  • It's much better to err on the side of having an overinflated budget that takes into account all of the possibilities rather than an overly optimistic (i.e., unrealistic) budget that relies on unsecured contributions to the production and a perfectly smooth shot.
  • Should you rent a high-end camera package? Or are you better renting a less expensive camera package and using the money you saved to hire an experienced documentary editor?
  • Your job is to figure out what that impact will be and decide what value it brings to your finished film.
  • Remember every dollar you spend here is a dollar you can't spend there  


This was a good source of information but the wording of it could of been better. They used some words that not many people could understand (contingency etc) This is a good paragraph to help you learn what to do and what not to do. It's quite usable in that when I'm actually making the documentary I could use this to help me. It's not a very opinionated article.



"In a multimedia consumer-driven world, it's not just parents who feel their children, it's the whole culture. Parents may not know what their offspring ought to be eating, but it's not what 21st-century culture has programmed children to want. 
Over the last 20 years, diets have become more processed, junk food more prevalent. Marketing messages pushing unhealthy food are everywhere Children look - on TV, on the internet, on bill boards and vending machines. Even schools have been lured into promoting unhealthy snacks to help pay their bills. Once children have developed a taste for unhealthy stuff, it can be almost an addiction - other foods begin to taste bland and unappetising. Weaning Children off junk food can be a difficult business" - Detoxing Childhood, What parents need to know to raise bright, balanced children. Author: Sue Palmer. Page" 22


In this day and age there are many many different fast food places in the world that your child can eat. You need to be careful feeding your child unhealthy foods from these places. If your child eats a lot of fast food then they will slowly start to be addicted to it and lose taste for regular, healthy food. 

Bullet Points:

  • If we do not pay attention to the diets of our children, we may be faced with a future of brain degenerating problems which are closely linked to learning problems
  • Over the last 20 years, diets have become more processed, junk food more prevalent. 
  • Even schools have been lured into promoting unhealthy snacks to help pay their bills. 
  • One children have developed a taste for unhealthy stuff, it can be almost an addiction - other foods begin to taste blank and unappetising. 


This was a very good source of information because it shows us how addicting junk food can actually be and that it targets everyone not just teenagers. Even small kids eat junk food and can become addicted by it. The wording of this is not technical at all so anyone could understand it. It's quite opinionated and doesn't really give the other side of the story it just gives negative things about fast food restaurants. 




"Families face increases in school meal prices of up to 25 per cent, fuelling concerns that more pupils will switch to packed lunches full of junk food. Just as other bills, such as those for household food and energy, are soaring, two-thirds of councils are putting up the price of school dinners, according to consumer magazine Which?" - Daily Mail online Newspaper (x)


School meals are becoming more and more expensive and the worry is that kids will resort to eating cheap junk food to save money.

Bullet Points:

  • Families face increases in school meal prices of up to 25 per cent, fuelling concerns that more pupils will switch to packed lunches full of junk food.
  • For example, Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council is increasing the daily cost of primary school meals by 17 per cent, from £1.70 to £2
  • Research by Which? suggests the take-up is so low that many councils find it is not economical to provide hot dinners.
  • The School Dinner Grant, set up to subsidise school meals, is no longer ring-fenced, meaning councils can raid the cash for other education purposes.
  • It is estimated that to keep costs down and ensure the system is economically viable, 55 per cent of students need to take school meals.
  • But Which? says just 45 per cent of students in England do so.  
  • The School Food Trust said take-up in primaries was 44.1 per cent in 2010-11, up 2.7 percentage points on the year before. Take-up in secondary schools rose from 35.8 per cent to 37.6 per cent.’


I think that this was an okay source of information. It showed us why parents sometimes give their kids junk food to go to school (because they think it's cheaper). It also showed us that the reason why kids prefer junk food is because the school meals are very very expensive. They sometimes used quite technical wording. It did seem a bit too opinionated in that they saw the school meal prices rising as a bad thing. But I'm not sure who wouldn't see that as a bad thing. I think this would be good to use as a reference for my documentary overall. 



"Jamie Oliver's crusade to make school meals healthier is driving youngsters to local fast-food outlets instead, a survey showed yesterday. More than a quarter of pupils have stopped having school dinners every day since the celebrity chef campaigned to banish junk food. Some who continue to eat in the school canteen say they do not like the revamped menus, prompting fears that even more will opt out." - Daily Mail online Newspaper (x)


Kids don't like Jamie Oliver's meal changes so they have stopped eating school dinner because of it. 

Bullet points

  • Jamie Oliver's crusade to make school meals healthier is driving youngsters to local fast-food outlets instead, a survey showed yesterday.
  • Canteens will be able to offer manufactured meat products such as pies, sausages and high- quality burgers once a fortnight 
  • The ban on all soft drinks other than pure juices, milk and water is also being relaxed to allow some pasteurised juices and smoothies
  • However, a survey of nearly 1,500 secondary pupils has revealed that 27 per cent are choosing school dinners less often since the new menus were introduced, and 18 per cent never eat them at all.
  • Meanwhile, a separate survey of primary and secondary head teachers by the government's School Food Trust shows that 30 per cent of schools have seen a decrease in the number of pupils taking school meals since the new menus were introduced
  • Even tougher curbs on junk food will be introduced in primary schools from september next year and secondaries from september


I think that this piece of information is useful because it gives us the impression that young children aren't a fan of healthy food. They have become too addicted to junk food to be able to enjoy anything else. It's not opinionated at all it's just a factual article. It's not here to debate anything. It's not too complicated although it's using %'s and some people many not be able to fully understand that. I think I could use this information to show how junk food can be an addiction.



The audience profile for my documentary is mainly aimed at young children to teenagers. But at some points it sometimes hints at parents to take action. The psychographics for my documentary are explorers and reformers. It's aimed at any gender, ethnicity and sexual orientation. My D
documentary is aimed at lower/middle class.

I know that this is the audience I am targeting because in my research I found out that children are more venerable to becoming addicted to junk food. For example, on my book research 'Detoxing Childhood, What parents need to know to raise bright, balanced children. Author: Sue Palmer. Page 22'  It shows that junk food is everywhere and children can become addicted to it very easily.

What documentary I will be analysing: Supersize me

The target audience for this documentary: Everyone from young babies to old men and women. Aimed at

People are saying that Supersize me is too opinionated and uses too many facts. Obviously people will always have different opinions so you already have a 50/50 split of people that will like your documentary and people that won't. Also people don't like it when you try to change their opinions.
In my documentary I will make sure to try and not make my documentary too opinionated. I will make sure to make it so that I'm not trying to force my opinions on people, I will give the facts, give my opinions and let people make their minds up for themselves.

My film will target the audience by trying to relate to them by getting a young person to present it as well. I will try to target them by not being too boring. I will try to keep their attention on the documentary by making it fun or funny.

My plot is going to begin talking about fast food in general then it will move onto talking about the KFC being built in Hyde then it will talk about how healthy food can help and is better.



Summary of the Interviews:

Most of the young people I asked found certain types of Documentaries to be interested but overall they said that they are boring.

The healthy eating situation is being handled very well in the interviewees place of education.

Everyone I asked about how healthy eating could be bettered said that they want the prices to be lowered. This is definitely an issue that would need to be looked into.

More research aimed at my subject matter:

Newspaper article: (x)

Quote: "Young people living in cities are eating up to 25 takeaways a month and spending about £2,620 a year, a survey claims. People aged 25 to 34 are the biggest consumers of fast food with 49 per cent of them saying they rely on takeaways because they don’t have the time or inclination to cook at home."

Summary: Young people (25-34) eat the most takeaways because they don't have the time to cook at home.

Bullet Points:

  • People aged 25 to 34 are the biggest consumers of fast food.....because they don’t have the time or inclination to cook at home.
  • Those living in Chelmsford, Essex, are the thriftiest spending just £43.19 on meals they haven’t prepared themselves each month.
  • "It is so much easier to pick up the phone and order an Indian or a kebab, and they taste really good, too.’

This information is useful because it's telling us that young people are definitely the people who are eating the most takeaways. It's also telling us how much they usually spend on meals. It also tells us why they do this. This helps us generalise all young people and their healthy eating habits. 


  1. Vickie your research includes both primary and secondary sources (pass) and seems relevant to your ideas although I would've like more of it aimed at the subject matter rather than whether people enjoy documentaries. Your sources are varied and you analyse their benefit (merit) but they are not wide ranging and there appears to be no evidence of you contacting specific individuals or institutions.

    Your treatment is analytical (merit) in addition to descriptive (pass). Although there are some grammar and punctuation errors that would not stand up in the professional world. It appears at times you use capital letters unnecessarily.

  2. Final Feedback
