Sunday 19 April 2015

Individual documentary treatment - Unit 27 Assignment 2


My Documentary will be about how rigid gender roles affect children as they grow up. 

For example, the fact that we have boy and girl toys at McDonalds. Assigning pink to girls and blue to boys. How little girls are taught to act polite and not play in the mud/be reckless and how boys are allowed to fight and be reckless because of the fact that they are boys. I want to bring this issue to light. 

My main goal is to inform and educate. I want to make people think about how raising children in these very rigid gender roles could affect them in later life. It could affect their ability to express themselves. If a boy wants to play with barbies, he could be laughed at when he does so because boys have been taught that babies are not for them. The same way that if a girl wants to be reckless and play in the mud/climb trees etc they would most likely be punished for it by the parents because 'that's not what little girls do' 


My target audience would be 14+ girls and boys. It would mainly target younger children who may not feel like they fit in because of the things that they like to do/play with. Children that have been taught to act a certain way based on their gender their whole life, I want to target them because it could be helpful to them to watch it. I'm also targeting people around 25+ to provoke thought in how they see gender which could come in handy if they decide to have children. 

A documentary similar to mine is "Oppressed Majority" it's a 10 minute short film that would show what would happen if the gender roles were reversed and Men were treated how Women were treated on a day to day basis.  This short film got 11 million + views. It's so popular because it's not really a topic talked about by many people, it brought to light how strange and different the world would be if the gender roles really were reversed and Women were sexist towards Men. It's an age restricted video, from that we can determine that the majority of people who watched it were 18+ 


A few things that might cause problems with the production is the kinds of people we need to talk to. Transgendered people would be a prime example for us to interview, but I do not have any connections with any transgendered people. Getting hold of someone who is might be hard. I'll get around this by asking everyone I know if they know anyone transgendered, if they don't, we'll just interview different people. 

Also the message that I'm trying to give out with this Documentary might be misconstrued as me telling parents how to raise their children. I'll get around this by just giving the facts instead of trying to give people advice.

There shouldn't be any set or time constraints. Gender roles is a big issue that affects everyone in every stage of life, so I've just decided to focus in on how it affects children's personality. This shouldn't be too hard to cover in a 10 minute Documentary. 

Genre: This Documentary is an educational/factual, serious, Documentary. The typical conventions for this Documentary are:

  • Interviews
  • Statistics
  • Facts
  • Varied opinions
  • Graphics
To make my Documentary more creative I'll make it more interesting for the target audience to watch. For example, I'll make sure to use split up the facts with opinionated interviews. I'll use small pieces of interesting information, I'll use graphics on screen that are easy to read. 

Guests/Crew needed Make a list of people you will need in the studio (presenter, participants, vision mixer, camera operators, number of microphones) What sort of people would you need to be in the programme? 

  • Voice over 
  • Participants 
  • Camera operators 
  • Sound operators 
  • One microphone 
  • Editor 

The types of people perfect for this Documentary would be transgendered people or people that have faced some sort of struggle with their gender identity as they have been growing up. 

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