Tuesday 6 January 2015

Unit 23/4 assignment 2 (Individual proposal 2)

Topic/Issue: Gaming news show informing people of gaming news. Shot in a formal type way, talking about big gaming news stories from the week. Focusing on new games coming out, updates in existing games, and also business gaming news. (E.G this person bought this game from this other person) My hope for this programme is that people can be educated about the business side of gaming as well as just knowing what games are coming out and what updates are coming out within those games. I hope that this programme will inform them on the business side of gaming in a fun and interesting way. I also hope that maybe in the programme there will be an audience participation type of segment where people can go online and either tweet with a specific hash-tag giving their input on the show or they have a website where people can comment and they will reply to certain comments/tweets in the next show. 




Research the target audience: My idea is taking bits from an online web show. 'The Patch' and 'The Know'. The kinds of people that watch that are ages from about 15+ to any ages after that up till about 50 years old. I know that my idea would be popular with said ages because the viewing figures are from all of those ages. Also it would be popular with a wide spectrum of people regardless of race, gender or age because certain demographics show that there's an equal percentage in peoples ages who play games if the ages are split into 3 groups. Under 18's, 18-35's and 36+ (see diagram below) I'll mainly be targeting 63% of my audience (The under 18's and 18-35 years) because the average game player age is 30.

(Source: X)

Constraints: The constraints might by trying to find a way to talk about business gaming news in an entertaining way, we need to be able to find energetic hosts that can carry the show and make it flow nice. If not then the show will just be boring and not enjoyable to watch. I'll overcome this by maybe auditioning hosts.

Genre: The type of programme I'm making is an informative, fun news programme. Typical conventions of an informative, fun news gaming programme are :

  • Brightly coloured set. 
  • Quite lively hosts. 
  • The camera is usually quite free and moves around with the characters, although I think my camera will be stationary as the hosts are presenting to the audience, either that or they'll turn to one camera and then it cuts to them as they face another camera. 
  • Sarcasm when the host is speaking seen as this is a news show.

In mine we'll get the hosts being quite opinionated, basically playing off what the other person says.

Guests/Crew needed Make a list of people you will need in the studio (presenter, participants, vision mixer, camera operators, number of microphones) What sort of people would you need to be in the programme?

Guests/Crew needed: 

  • Presenter (two)
  • Vision mixer
  • Camera operators
  • Two mics
  • Sound
I would need two sarcastic naturally funny presenter(s) 

VT Needed: People are doing timed 60 second reviews of games. They have to review everything they know about a game (their opinions) hitting key points within the time slot. 

Outline structure:

  • Introduction "Hello and welcome to _______ my name is _____ and this week ______
  • Jump into the first gaming news story make sarcastic comment talk to the camera maybe rhetorical questions, give their opinion on the news story. 
  • Turn to the next camera talk about another gaming news story maybe show a clip of said news story. 
  • Turn to the next camera talk about the last news story, more sarcasm, funny humour etc.
  • Maybe review a game
  • Show what people have said about the show in the past week (Comment on comments basically.)
  • Exit, "This has been _____ with me ______ good bye and see you next week"



The Improbable dream to radically transform online gaming (X)

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