Friday 7 November 2014

Unit 23 Assignment 1 - Multi camera techniques


2. A multi camera set up or ,multi camera production means 3 or more cameras on set to record a production


4. A single camera production means one camera using to record a production


6. The following web links talk about the pros and cons of working in a multi camera set up

7. In summary of these websites the pros and cons are, 

Pros: A multi-camera production saves time in the filming stages also the post-production stages. There would be less continuity because the scene is only being filmed once at multiple different angles where as over and over again using one camera. 

Cons: The cons of multi-camera productions are that it costs more than a single camera production. There's limited shots that you could do because you wouldn't want to get one of the cameras in the others shot. The lighting will be hard to do due to the many different angles that need to be lit properly.



This programme uses Multi-Camera techniques. You can see this at (34:00-34:14) where they show wide shot of the football field to get all of the football action on screen, then at (34:15-34:22) they cut to multiple different shots to show the players reaction to someone missing a goal. 

This programme uses Multi-Camera techniques. You can see this throughout the clip, for example at 13:47 to 13:52 they switch between two different angles of the same scene. They do this so the audience can get a more ranged view of the scene they are watching and so that they can see the actors reactions. 

This programme uses multi-camera techniques. You can see this throughout the video, they use many  different angles. They have to do this because it's a panel show and it would be too hard for them to get everyone talking on screen/everyones reactions to something if they only used one camera. You can see an example of the different angles from 4:14 (They show a shot of the right hand side team) then at 4:18 (They go to a close up of a member on the right hand team) 

This programme uses multi-camera techniques. You can see they have two different angles set up because it's an interview style show you need to show the interviewer and the interviewee. 0:20 shows the Interviewer then at 0:29 it cuts to the Interviewee for their response. You need this setup for this kind of show because it'd be weird if you just saw the interviewer throughout the whole show. 


I think that out of all of these shows the How I met Your Mother used their Multi-camera setup best. They used the different angles that they had to make the scene as funny as they could, getting all the actors reactions in without having to reshoot made it so that the final product was the best it could be to entertain the audience. I don't think any of these programmes could of been done as a single camera production. How I met your mother could of been but it would of disrupted the flow of the actors making the show not really up to a great standard. Plus there would of been a lot of continuity errors. 

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