Monday 12 May 2014

Unit 24 Assignment 2 - Treatment

The initial idea for my short film is a fast paced action based story from start to finish.

The story starts out with Ben Smith, a dull man, who doesn't stand out in any aspect of life. The most exciting thing that has happened to Ben is that time when he complained about something at the cinema and got a free movie ticket. He clocks in clocks out at the same time everyday, but this day was different. Something felt different to Ben as he woke up, why was he so well rested? He looked at his alarm clock, panic stricken he stumbles out of the house, his mundane daily routine is interrupted as his race against the clock begins.

He is met with his first dilemma as he runs to the train station, thinking he's in the clear, when he see's the train just disappear from his viewpoint, he's missed it.

Hope of getting to work on time is fading fast as he is faced with his second dilemma, the bus he was going to let whisk him away to work speeds past him, leaving him with only one option.

In a flash he decides that if he is determined enough he could definitely make on time for work if he runs faster than he's ever ran in his life, so he sets off.

On his way, twisting and turning through the busy streets he's met with his final and biggest dilemma a rugged looking man is after his money luckily his work colleague swoops in to save the day.

His last glimmer of hope shines through as he's offered a lift to his final destination. He has won, his race against the clock ends.

My story only has three characters in it. The main dilemma, the resolution and the main guy.

Ben Smith is quite a ordinary generic 19 year old guy. He goes out with his mates on the weekend, goes to work on the weekdays. Tends to keep his head down. His routine is basically the same every week. He's okay with this, he's content with his life. He wears suits on the weekdays and jeans and a t-shirt on the weekends. Typical clothing for him.

The thug is very rugged and rough, he's quite slim which is why he wears thick heavy clothing and big boots to toughen his look up a bit. He wields a knife incase he needs to use it to help him out in situations.

James Howarth (The work colleague) is basically a carbon copy of Ben Smith. Very average, boring, doesn't stand out. Wears suits to work, jeans and a t-shirt on the weekends. Goes out with his friends. But he is very generous,  kind and enjoys helping people out whenever he can.

My script will appeal to young people around ages 13 to 19, males and females of all ethnicities. I'm trying to show how important it is to try your hardest in any given situation. I'm sure that young people will see this and be able to relate to it because waking up late for work (or college) is a very common thing. So that would draw them in and then they can see the deeper meaning. The psychographics of my film are Explorers, I know this because this film is all about adventure and discovery, people who watch this film are looking to be enlightened. If they do look deep into it and see the hidden message.

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