Friday 6 December 2013

Risk Assessment

The Corn Exchange/The Manchester Markets
The Corn Exchange is where the German Markets start. The Manchester markets are in the middle of the markets. 

The risks for this location are:

  • People could try and steal our equipment.
  • It could rain all of a sudden if we have all of the equipment out. Meaning that the equipment would get wet and be broken. 
  • We could slip and hurt ourselves if the floor is wet from previous rain fall.
  • People could trip over our equipment 
  • People in Manchester themselves could be a risk because you never know what kind of people you're going to get in Manchester. So it's always best to stay with people in daylight. 
  • Traffic could be an issue if we're trying to lug heavy things across the road. 
  • It could be very busy and we could lose our equipment

Manchester Cathedral

The Cathedral and Collegiate Church of St Mary, St Denys and St George in Manchester.
  • People could trip over the equipment
  • The cathedral is quite old so there could be a few not so smooth areas on the floor and people could trip. 
  • It could be hard to set the equipment up and still have enough room to move freely about. 
  • Some people could not want to be filmed even though we would of gotten permission to film there they can't ask every single person who goes to that church if it is okay for us to film so we could have to stop filming for a second till said person leaves.

China Town 
China town is a place in Manchester where the theme is China. 
  • There is a lot of people in China Town so we would have to look after our equipment carefully to make sure no one tries to go and steal it or damage it. 
  • We could trip and fall over the equipment.
  • We could get rained on meaning that the equipment would be damaged. 
  • We could hurt ourselves on various items throughout the town. 
  • Certain people could not want to be filmed meaning we could annoy someone and they could potentially hurt us. 

The mosque is a place where Muslims go to pray/worship 
  •  We could trip over the equipment 
  • We could film something that were not allowed to film and then get kicked out. 


College meaning Ashton Sixth Form College.
  • It could rain and the equipment could be damaged. 
  • We could fall down the stairs when carrying the equipment because the equipment is quite heavy. 
  • Since it has been raining recently we could slip and hurt ourselves. Especially indoors on the lament flooring. 
  • People could potentially harm the equipment. 
  • The lights could give you a headache if they are too bright. 


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