Monday 9 September 2013

Scream group work

In my group (Jess, Jade, Maddie and Nicole) we are doing a spoof filming of the Bathroom scene in Scream.

We discussed on what shots we we’re going to use.

Shot list:

1. When girls are in the cubicle – Low angle from feet raises a mid shot.
2. When she gets her phone out – Close up of her screen/over shoulder
3. Static Wide shot from the bottom sink
4. Mid shot of her when she hears her name
5. Pan close up of feet in cubicles
6. Close up of the girls face
7. POV shot of girl looking under cubicle
8. Wide shot of cubicle
9. Low angle shot of girls reflection
10. Static wide shot from the end of the toilet doors.

We found it easy to do the shot list because we were filming in quite a small place so it wasn’t hard to come up with different shots.

We decided today that the toilets near Costa Coffee would be best to film because they are almost identical to the ones in the film. Although we’re not trying to get the film content dead on, we would like the set to be identical so that people can tell which film we’re doing.

We came up with the, ‘turning the Horror into a Comedy spoof’ thing because we thought it would be best seen as not many of us are comfortable acting on camera so we thought it would be easier to do a Comedy.

When having a discussion about what to do in the film the topic of props came up. We decided that because we were making it a Comedy we should make the killer a Gorilla and make the knife a banana.

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